Sires & Queens

Our Sphynx Sires and Queens

Bare Skin Sphynx


Oh!  I don’t want to be called beautiful (even though I am) so lets just call me handsome and check out the incredible babies that I sire.  


I love attention and am the first in line for
Pets and scratches. I’m so sweet and gentle
the girls love me too. Together we bring babes
that are beyond cute!



I love attention and am the first in line for
Pets and scratches. I’m so sweet and gentle
the girls love me too. Together we bring babes
that are beyond cute!

Bare Skin Sphynx


This handsome silver/gray Mr. likes to be the boss!
From the work he does and the offspring he produces
maybe he is right ? ? ?

Bare Skin Sphynx


This handsome silver/gray Mr. likes to be the boss!
From the work he does and the offspring he produces
maybe he is right ? ? ?


This beautiful Inky girl is the granddaughter of our retired
and outstanding Pearly Girl. She is so gorgeous and
brings us spectacular dark and other surprisingly colorful

Bare Skin Sphynx
Bare Skin Sphynx


A wonderful blue eyed beauty of stocky build is
the daughter of an odd eyed mother and brings
us many exciting color possibilities


Her dark coloring fools us time after time at the
amazingly colorful babies she gives us. Spots, patterns
and solids. She is such a super loving and playful girl.

Calypso dark queen facial view 4 1 20